My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Let me start by saying this is the first Night Huntress Novel that I have read. I picked it up at Walmart on sale because the summary sounded interesting. Now let me say I was not disappointed. Even though this is the 6th novel in the series I was able to pick right up with the story line. I'm sure when I read the rest of the series, which I think I will since this one was so good, I may pick up on a few things I missed but overall I didn't feel lost at all.
If you are like me and have never experienced the Night Huntress series let me give you the synopsis. Cat is a Vampire (originally half Vampire/half human) who's mother was brutalized by her Vampire father. Now somewhere along the line she hooked up with super hot and powerful Vampire Bones. She and Bones along with an assortment of friends and government co-workers spend there days trying to thwart crazy undead wars and other calamities.
In this book we find Cat and Bones thrown in to an intense battle with a ghost who has been hunting and killing every All Hallows Eve since the Burning Times. Heinrich Kramer was a witch hunter who wasn't able to give up on his trade even into death. The trouble with ghosts is that you can't kill something that is not only dead but also does not have any shape. So Cat and Bones are on the hunt for a way to trap and hold a vengeful spirit, before he sends them into the true death!
This was a fun fast paced read and now I am totally hooked on Cat and Bones!
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