My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Release Dat Feb 26, 2013
Every once in a while I happen upon a netgalley that is fantastic. This one was just as good as the first one in the series. Considering that I'm not usually a huge fan of the whole Angels and Demons genre that is saying a whole bunch.
I used to be ordinary Samantha Day, but that's changed. Now, after one dark kiss from a dangerous boy, I can steal someone's soul...or their life. If I give in to the constant hunger inside me, I hurt anyone I kiss. If I don't...I hurt myself.
Bishop is the one whose kiss I crave most, but if I kiss him, I'll kill him. Then there's another boy, one I can't hurt. One whose kiss seems to miraculously quell my hunger. They're both part of a team of angels and demons that's joined forces in my city to fight a mysterious rising darkness, an evil that threatens everyone I know and love. I just wonder if I'll be able to help Bishop-or if I'm just another part of the darkness he's sworn to destroy....
My Take:
Wicked Kiss picks up shortly after the first book ( Dark Kiss ). Sam still finds herself a soul sucking teenager trapped in the city of Trinity by a Heavenly force field.
Her attraction to the shadowy fallen angel is as powerful as ever. Together along with a band of otherworldly creatures they must try to get her soul back. If not Heaven may just decided she is too dangerous to hang around.
This one was fast paced and upbeat (considering the end of the world angle). It never slips into the annoying teen drama bit that a fair amount of YA books do. This one is the type that will appeal to any adult who loves the supernatural. There are even some tear jerker moments.
I do think you should read the first navel first, just because its got such a great storyline I think you will not appreciate it as much if you spend the first three chapters trying to catch up.
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