4 stars
Astrids world has twisted and turned since she headed with the child seller towards her new life as a blacksmiths assistant. In the first two books we have followed Astrid as she grows into womanhood and starts her adult life first as a blacksmith and then as a dragons layer, well actually lizard slayer. Now Astrid is faced with pondering her own death, or lack there of, and her place in the world yet again.
The world seems to be changing all around her. With a "New God" making his way in the land a woman's place is becoming increasingly at risk. Astrid must again fight not only for herself but for those she has come to love and trust.
This was another fantastic book in a great series. The dragons slayer series is a must read for any fantasy lover. Check out Resa Nelsons interview and be sure to stop by Goodreads for the STone of Darkness Giveaway!
Resa Nelson’s links:
Resa’s website: http://www.resanelson.com
Free “mini” ebook of Dragonslayer short stories: http://www.resanelson.com/files
GoodReads giveaway: http://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/27323-the-stone-of-darkness
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/ResaNelson
Email: ContactResa@aol.com
Ebooks ($4.99 each) are available directly from Mundania Press at: http://mundania.com/author.php?author=Resa+Nelson (get a 10% discount at checkout with the coupon code MP10)
Paperbacks are available from Mundania Press, Amazon, and Barnes&Noble:
http://mundania.com/author.php?author=Resa+Nelson (get a 10% discount at checkout with the coupon code MP10)
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